Roof Tech Sales Associates Delivers Lunch a Tasty Presentation too!
We make it so easy, Roof Tech Associates will have lunch delivered to your office along with our presentation for you to watch in the comfort of your own office! Streamline and utilize your time with this solution! All presentations are AIA-approved. Talk to Cece Rooks and she will work out the details, the presentation can focus on contractor offices, design professionals, architects, specifiers, or consultants.
“Given the struggles we are having in our industry with material shortages, it has been eye-opening having Jim and his team explain to us how we can continue to sell projects.”
– Mike
Plan for 2022 and Schedule a Lunch Date!
Cece will organize everything for you, invites, info, menu selections, etc.
“We didn’t know we had so many options! Our sales team learned about the multiple resources that Roof Tech Associates offers. Having them take us out to a nice lunch was just the icing on the cake.”
– Central Florida Distribution