Dolphins Cancer Challenge
On February 10, 2018, I will join the Miami Dolphins and thousands of South Florida residents to tackle cancer here in our community. Over the last seven years, the Dolphins Cancer Challenge has raised over $22.5 million with 100% of participant-raised funds going directly to cancer research at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Whether you ride, run, walk, volunteer or donate, we are all fighting cancer. I need your support to help me reach my goal and I thank you for supporting me in my fundraising efforts as I #TACKLECANCER!
Team Polyglass will be riding 52 miles to support the DCC and I hope you will support the cause by donating. This event, sponsored by the Miami Dolphins, is the largest charity event sponsored by any professional sports franchise and ALL of the proceeds go DIRECTLY TO RESEARCH, not to administration costs.
What is the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center?
What is the Sylvester Cancer Center? Here are some facts:
Established: UM Cancer Center 1972; opened as dedicated, comprehensive cancer center in 1992
Physicians and scientists: More than 250 devoted exclusively to cancer care and research (all are faculty of the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine)
Philanthropy: $10.8 million
Sponsored program funding: $49 million annually in research grants
Clinical trials underway: 168 total; 92 therapeutic, 76 non-therapeutic
Clinical trial accruals: 1386 total; 80 therapeutic, 1306 non-therapeutic
Inpatient beds: 40
Surgery suites: 4
Inpatient admissions: 1,143
Outpatient visits: 305,656
Surgical cases: 2,426
Patients receiving chemotherapy: 32,383
Radiation therapy procedures: 67,521
Patient volume: 4,115 new cancer patients; 2,467 new cancer patients supervised by UM faculty at Jackson Memorial Hospital (figures reported to the State of Florida as of September 2011)
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