I remember standing on a top of a structure, watching a roof being installed and saying the smell is horrible, the contractor looked at me and said, “It smells like money”. Now I understand!
Asphalt has a proven track record and still works. Modified Bitumen membranes have changed the way low slope roofing is done. Having returned to several projects that were installed over 15 years ago I’ve become increasingly impressed by their performance and durability.
While single-ply roofing has its place and works in certain applications, it is generally used to meet the budget on certain projects. Many of those projects are buildings that are going to be flipped or have owners that don’t have long term plans for the use of the facility.
Single-ply membranes have made many changes to their formulations over the years, seems like with each new launch they are trying to determine how they can improve the weathering package. Ever wonder why they focus on how much compound they have above the scrim? This makes single-ply a questionable choice.
Polyglass offers a full line of Modified Bitumen membranes and systems that will facilitate any project. The redundancy of Polyglass systems gives you and the owner more protection. You will still be efficient and profitable but you can offer your customer longevity and energy efficiency. You need a product that can stand up to the extreme Florida climate, especially when exposed to excessive heat loads over a prolonged period of time.
What’s the weakness of single-ply roofs? The answer is in the name.
Before deciding which is the right product for your roof, have a professional roofing consultation to learn all the benefits, drawbacks and which product would best suit your roofing needs, contact Jim Gory at Roof Tech Sales and Associates, 407-342-4282 jim@rooftechassociates.com
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